In our opinion, the healthiest way to spread the word is by word-of-mouth from people who are convinced by the project, and with no strings attached. So don't hesitate to spread the word!
LocaBriques' development occurs on personal time, between professional and family activities. Help us make the most of this time by buying us a coffee! (which will actually be used to finance site hosting and communication)
Do you have a community or audience on social networks or through events or the media? Contact us to organize a partnership (a low-cost test of our service in exchange for a little communication). It's a little less natural than word-of-mouth, but it's a win-win situation ;)
We're always happy to hear your suggestions for improvements or your criticisms, so don't hesitate to contact us to chat!
If you are competent in the legal field, you can help us control and improve our various terms of use and rental agreement, to ensure the safety of our renters and owners while facilitating the rental process. Contact us!
To support our international development, we need you to translate the website into different languages.
We are primarily looking for translators in Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian.
LocaBriques is a project of the heart, of passion. It's not for profit, and offers a very light business model, to cover fixed costs. Its development and communication are therefore carried out with our own personal funds. Any donation, whatever the amount, enables us to extend our period of development and growth :)