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LocaBriques Comments 28/12/2023

From Comics to Bricks: The Evolution of Batman in the LEGO® World

Since his appearance in the comics, Batman has captivated generations of fans, evolving beyond the illustrated pages to become a global cultural icon. This fascination has extended to the world of toys, where the Dark Knight has found a new home in LEGO's modular universes.

In this article, we'll explore the evolution of "LEGO® Batman", a journey that has transformed a simple figurine into a vast and diverse collection, reflecting the many facets of the Batman universe.

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LocaBriques Comments 26/10/2023

Rivendell in Bricks

Welcome, travelers of Middle-earth! Have you ever dreamed of entering the majestic gates of Rivendell (or Fondcombe for the French version), the last welcoming home before the wilderness? Thanks to the new LEGO® set, this dream is now within reach... or rather, within reach of your bricks!

In this article, we dive into the fantastic world of The Lord of the Rings, through the prism of LEGO® bricks. You'll discover everything you need to know about this breathtaking set, from the number of pieces to the LightMyBricks® light kit that makes it glow in the dark. So get ready for an adventure in bricks and magic!

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